7 members of NORC's Master's team attended the US Rowing Master's National Championships last weekend in Oakridge, Tennessee. This event gathered competitive teams from across the country for 4 days of heats and finals on a 1000m course. With months of training under their belt, the NORC athletes brought their A-game (literally, since we are all in the "A" category!) and the results proved it. See race recaps below, including event photos and the video live stream of the events (finals only).
Thursday Events:
Men's A 1x: Will kukro
Strong race against a competitive heat. While Will did not make the finals in this event, he got a great warm-up in for his Saturday 1x race.

Women's A-AA 4x: Hannah Huppi (in composite boat from Greater Houston Rowing Club)
Being a finals-only event, Hannah joined up with the girls from GHRC to win the gold in the 4x, it was a fun race against some speedy ladies.
Friday Events:
Mixed A 2x: John Huppi and Hannah Huppi
After achieving the fastest time in heats, Hannah and John went on to win Gold in the final of the mixed A 2x, making them National Champions! Next week they will go on to FISA World Rowing Championship Master's Regetta in Bled, Slovenia to compete with teams around the world. You can watch their gold winning performance starting at minute 16 of the video above.
Men's AA 2x: Michael Merwin and Aaron Kala
Aaron and Michael placed 3rd in their heat and moved on to finals in the afternoon where they came in 6th place. Considering it was Aaron's first sculling race ever, 6th place at Nationals is extremely impressive!
Men's A 2x: Will Kuckro and Austin Blakeslee
Will and Austin (former Tulane rower who now rows for DC Strokes) squeezed into their high school unis and rowed together in the 2x.
Saturday Events:
Men's A lightweight 1x: Will Kukro
Weighing in at right under 160 pounds, Will competed in the lightweight men's 1x. After having a nice warm up race in his heavyweight race, he was able to beat out his competition in the heats and make it to the final. It was great racing, and awesome to see the Lil' Easy out there on the race course.
Sunday Events:
Men's A 2-: John Huppi and Mike Scandurra
John and Mike competed in a 7 boat final against some of the fastest clubs out there, and managed to pull off 3rd place, earning them a bronze medal. Congrats on a great race!
Men's Open A 4+: John Huppi, Will Kukro, Michael Merwin, Aaron Kala, and Andrew McCord
After training together all summer, this 4+ was ready to compete. They got 3rd in their heat and made it to the finals. Giving it everything they had, they executed a great race and placed 5th.
Women's Open A 8+-: Hannah Huppi (and 7 other girls + a cox)
Hannah joined up with a composite boat made up of girls (mostly lightweight scullers) from across the South. Having only met minutes before hopping in the boat, they pushed through a competitive field of Women's 8s and came out with a bronze. There is an awesome drone video that captures the race and the beautiful Oakridge venue (Hannah's boat is the 2nd to furthest boat on the right). Here is the video (8's start at minute 5): https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=701s&v=SVTdMy5iOxY&app=desktop
And that's a wrap! We can't wait to do it again, and hopefully bring more NORC master's next year!